Our Mission
Empower every business to take control of their digital transformation
Our team is passionate about making software development more accessible, faster, cheaper and
higher quality and we've been on this mission since 2006.
FormulaDB is the latest iteration of our technology which empowers non-developers to customize
and build web applications, vastly speeding up the digital
transformation of any organization.
FormulaDB Timeline
Inspiration and Credits
A big "Thank You" to a lot of smart people and good technologies and algorithms who inspired us and
continue to inspire us, we list here just a few in no particular order:
- Event sourcing/CQRS
- imperative vs functional vs declarative vs logic vs rules-engines vs visual (BPEL, BPMN,
UML) programming
- Spreadsheets formula engines, Recursion
- Stream processing (Storm, Spark Streaming, Kafka Streams)
- DDD aggregates with eventual consistency using events
- Cassandra seamless massive scaling and constraints imposed on CQL to maintain predictable
performance (e.g. partition key), tunable consistency,
timeuuid, LWT
- Kafka consumer groups fail-over and load-balancing, Kafka Streams State Stores
- Kappa architecture (Jay Kreps)
- Turning database inside out (Martin Kleppmann), duality table-stream
- Persistent Data Structures, Clojure/Datomic (Rich Hickey), Immutable.js, Durable Persistent
Data Structures
- Polyglot Persistence (Martin Fowler)
- Elasticsearch timestamped indexes, Kibana, curator
- https://www.reactivemanifesto.org/, http://reactivex.io/, rxjs and marble testing
- Key Value Stores, Document stores, Column-oriented Stores, Immutable data stores, CouchDB
replication and conflict management
- CouchDB "Accountants don't use erasers", immutable data stores using append only files,
conflict management, views
- PouchDB and LevelUP ecosystem
- Git, diff, merge, conflict management, consistency
- Database Cracking, auto-tuning databases
- Distributed transactions and business transactions: 2PC, 3PC, Saga pattern
- Consensus: Paxos, Raft
- Kafka transactions
- Graph Databases, graph traversal query languages (openCypher, Gremlin, GraphQL)
- Generated UIs, Apache Isis
- Flux architecture, Redux/Ngrx state stores
- Openstack, Kubernates, DC/OS: scaling an failover is being built into cloud tools, a cloud
native DB could borrow functionality from these tools and not
implement it internally
- Jepsen tests, Netflix Chaos Monkey, testing for distributed systems/databases
Core Team
Alex Cristu
full stack developer, software architect
Sorin Cirstoiu
technical manager
Valentin Raduti
full stack dev/architect, focus on UI/UX
Laurentiu Soica
full stack developer, focus on DevOps/PaaS
Laura Cristu
business analyst
Miruna Pria
web designer